They say call the police when needed; the number being 100. But who knew i would be so naive so as to call the police station without a reason?
And, let’s just say that I wasn’t even that young so as to not be able to understand or analyze stuff. The GPRS system in cell phones was new then. I had no freaking idea what it was, and what it did, and how to use it. One of my admirers, I suppose an old friend, had happened to send me a link through rediff.com - a valentine link.
The song dedicated and the greeting card that was dedicated had a code number. I was supposed to "connect" through the GPRS and check it out. Phew! Tough job, and being the ever curious person that I am, and probably the most impatient person on earth, I was hell-bent on finding out what the greeting and song was all about. After all, you don’t have many admirers when you are only 15! I tried and tried, had no idea about GPRS, so finally I called the number. The person who picked up asked me what I wanted to talk about and i very happily said that there is as such a valentine message and how do I go about it to view it or listen to it. The person asked me numerous questions - who sent it? Where it came from? What code does it say? And finally, he asked me to forward it to them. I was all blown out, thinking why I would be supposed to forward it to them. It struck me as wrong, and I happened to ask where exactly I had called. The police station!!!!! Freaked out and laughing over my stupidity, I apologized, telling them that I would call the person up himself and find out!!! What an encounter. I still laugh over it, and get embarrassed thinking of my stupidity and curse myself thinking how I could be so naive. Wonder if the call was recorded or not. Bahhh!!!!Whoever I narrate the story to laughs their head off and smack me hard saying get some sense into that thick head of yours!!!
Welcome to Blogosphere, hope you have a nice stay here... :) Good first post there...
ReplyDeletehehe nice one...hilarios if imagined....
ReplyDeletelol....a future advice....its good (rather great)to have admirers...but considering your imaginations...be careful with number (else i can always drop in to get you bailed)
ReplyDeletelololzz..though i shud hv commnted here 1st..after 'joy' i.e...as da blogger once did wish so..but i was messin at da same tym wid reali sm1 special to me..so sorry fr dat..lol u must be feelin rather blessed..ryto ?
ReplyDeleteapart..on dis police stn thingy..when u told me abt dis..frankly my mind was sm whr..i guess i was nt listening..but da moment u said ..i called up police..n was askin abt da GPRS link..
whoaaaaa..i was shocked.. amazed..giggled..laughed off..at ur height of Bevakoofi :P
You n ur Bevafoofi ke stintS..completely rock
lol..no offence
ye kab hua yar u neva told me bout it............kya kaam karti rehti hi yar tu totaly insane merey se bhi jyada.......